Saturday, February 18, 2023

Positive Effects of Niacin on Cholesterol

Niacin is a B vitamin that has long been associated with keeping your body healthy. Many vitamin supplement companies use niacin in their daily multivitamin products to help keep your digestive system, nervous system, skin, hair, and eyes healthy. 

In addition to these benefits, niacin has long been used to increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol which is the "good" cholesterol that assists in removing the "bad" cholesterol from your bloodstream.

Niacin has the ability to raise your HDL cholesterol by more than 30 percent. When your HDL cholesterol increases, it has the ability to remove more of your bad cholesterol by taking it to the liver for disposal. 

As a result, your LDL-cholesterol levels will decrease by about 10 to 20 percent and your triglycerides will be reduced by about 20 to 50 percent. Generally found in many food products, niacin is often found in higher doses when used in supplements in order to heighten the effects that it will have on your cholesterol levels. Oftentimes, niacin is fairly inexpensive and is widely accessible to patients without a prescription. 

However, when taking these supplements you should always consult your doctor before taking niacin supplements to learn whether or not doing so would be helpful for improving your cholesterol.

Since niacin is found in many foods that we eat on a daily basis, we oftentimes are able to fulfill our everyday recommended value of niacin. Many fish products contain high levels of niacin and, therefore, are one of the most popular food products for fighting against high cholesterol levels. For example, tuna is one of the world's richest foods in Vitamin B3 (niacin) and provides about 150% of the recommended daily value of niacin. 

By adding products that are rich in niacin you are taking an active role in lowering your cholesterol and you may not even need to take medication if your new diet begins to reduce your cholesterol to a more healthy level.

In order to determine your cholesterol levels, most doctors will order a blood test known as a lipid profile, which is used to screen for disorders related to high cholesterol. A lipoprotein profile screening provides you with your total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides (fats carried in the blood) and converts those results into numbers to determine your cholesterol levels. 

Based on the results, your doctor may recommend sticking with your current routine or he may opt to have you start taking a nutritional supplement to help increase your niacin intake.

In some cases, increasing your niacin intake may not be enough and your doctor may recommend additional methods to improve your HDL cholesterol. Most doctors advise that you start an exercise routine or begin eating a healthier and more nutritious diet. 

Taking supplements that are produced with niacin may improve your cholesterol and reduce your risk for heart disease. Along with a healthy diet and exercise, our supplement has the ability to improve your cholesterol and help you to live a healthier lifestyle.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

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