Friday, March 11, 2022

Is Noni Juice Good for High Cholesterol?

Noni Juice cures are being touted all over the media throughout the world. Each company that makes Noni Juice seems to be suggesting that it is a remedy to something new.

There are even some companies that suggest Noni Juice as a treatment for serious diseases like cancer and should be considered an alternative therapy to traditional drugs. 

While some testimonials would suggest they are correct, what is needed in those cases is serious scientific research.

What Noni Juice Treatments Have Been Scientifically Researched?

Very few Noni Juice cures have been put through the rigorous scientific testing that one might like to see in cases. However, in the context of a cholesterol-lowering agent, Noni Juice has been studied on an extensive basis.

Because people tend to have poor diets in general, there are lots of people suggesting they have a remedy for high cholesterol. However, it seems quite possible that Noni Juice cures high cholesterol, making it possible to live a life free of expensive cholesterol-lowering drugs.

The American Heart Association has called for more research to be done, but the early findings of a study that was sponsored by the Tahitian Noni Juice company look quite promising.

How Did The Study Work?

The study of this Noni treatment was completed on one hundred and thirty-two voluntary participants. Each participant had high cholesterol, to begin with. One hundred and six of the participants drank between one and four ounces of Noni Juice each day for one month.

Twenty-six of the participants drank something that tasted the same but contained no Noni Juice. At the time of the study, none of the participants used any other medications that might change the cholesterol level.

Results suggested that after the one-month period, the average level of cholesterol dropped from 235.2 mg/dL to 190.2 mg/dL. Triglyceride levels, a major factor in cholesterol, dropped from 242.5 mg/dL to 193.5 mg/dL. At this point, many more studies are planned to improve these results.

If you have high cholesterol, you should first consult with your doctor before trying any dietary supplement. Once you’ve got the green light, Noni Juice might just keep you from those cholesterol-lowering drugs forever. Always check with your doctor before adding Noni to your diet.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Cure High Cholesterol By Cutting Out This ONE Ingredient

You’re about to learn how cutting out ONE, single ingredient lowers your cholesterol level below 100 and clears out up to 93% of clogged arteries — starting today!

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What is this ONE ingredient you need to cut out? Learn more and try it out for yourself here…