Saturday, March 19, 2022

What Are Ideal LDL Cholesterol Levels In Women?

LDL cholesterol levels in women are very important to know. LDL or Low-Density Lipoprotein is what is known as bad cholesterol because as it flows in the bloodstream, it sticks to the inner walls of blood vessels and eventually blocks the flow of blood. Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States. Cholesterol levels are no different for women or men.

When you know your cholesterol level and its health risks, it will be easier for you to monitor your health risks. Women should have their cholesterol checked every five years after reaching the age of 20.

Women with coronary heart disease should have their LDL cholesterol levels checked at least once a year and work to keep it down. These women should consult with their doctors for medications that can help if required.

HDL or good cholesterol levels are different compared to LDL levels. High HDL levels are considered healthy while low HDL levels are associated with heart disease risks. Low LDL levels on the other hand translate to a healthy cholesterol level while high LDL levels indicate a higher risk of heart disease.

LDL cholesterol levels in women are the same as those in men and are classified into five types — ideal, near ideal, borderline high, high, and very high.

Ideal Levels

The ideal level is not the same for all women because it depends on the heart disease risk factors. Basically, a person with a higher risk of contracting heart disease has a lower ideal LDL cholesterol level than one who has a lower risk.

The ideal levels in women who have a high risk of heart disease should be below 70 milligrams per deciliter or 1.8 millimoles per liter. Meanwhile, the ideal LDL cholesterol levels in women who have a smaller risk of heart disease should be below 100 milligrams per deciliter or 2.6 millimoles per liter. However, in either case, lower is better.

Near Ideal Levels

Levels that are in the range of 100 to 129 milligrams per deciliter or 2.6 to 3.3 millimoles per liter are considered near ideal. Healthy women who have no risk of heart disease should strive to maintain their LDL levels within this range or lower.

Borderline High Levels

Levels in the range of 130 to 159 milligrams per deciliter or 3.4 to 4.1 millimoles per liter are considered borderline high. Women with LDL levels in this range have reason to be alarmed and should try to lower their LDL levels immediately and make dietary changes.

High Levels

Levels that measure between 160 and 189 milligrams per deciliter or between 4.1 and 4.9 millimoles per liter are considered high. This means that there is a huge risk of getting heart disease and significant lifestyle changes should be put into place with help from a doctor.

Very High Levels

The most dangerous LDL cholesterol levels in women are anywhere above 190 milligrams per deciliter or more than 4.9 millimoles per liter. Women with LDL levels in this category have the highest heart disease risk factors and should take the necessary steps to correct their LDL levels. 

Significant dietary changes should be made immediately. Your doctor may suggest medication as well.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Cure High Cholesterol By Cutting Out This ONE Ingredient

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What is this ONE ingredient you need to cut out? Learn more and try it out for yourself here…